Organic Content Marketing Beats Buying Ads Every Time

Is your content marketing effective

Have you ever wondered how your business is doing in Google search results lately? If you haven't taken a peek recently, it's kind of important that you do. Not showing up, especially when folks are searching locally, can really put a damper on your visibility and growth. It's like trying to run a shop with the lights off—nobody knows you're there.

Now, the-school way to tackle this is by throwing a bunch of cash at advertising. But let's be real, that’s just a quick fix. So, is there a more lasting way to get noticed without shelling out for ads all the time?

Problems with paid ads

The problem with those sponsored pieces is they can feel pretty fake. Mike Johnson, who kicked off JTek Resources, has a point when he says people are after real answers and products they can trust, not just the ones that have the deepest pockets for ads. That’s where content marketing steps in as the hero of the day.

Content is still king

Instead of just leaning on ads that disappear in a blink, working on organic and original content can really give your brand a boost that lasts. Think about getting into blogs, podcasts, videos, and all that good stuff to make sure you’re sticking around online. Mike is all about putting content on sites that people see as trustworthy, which is what makes his approach stand out from the crowd.

Does multimedia content marketing work

Why is multimedia content such a big deal, you ask? Well, for starters, it lets you reach out on various platforms, from YouTube to podcast spots and blogs. Plus, if you’re hanging out on these high-credibility platforms, it does wonders for your reputation—helping you climb up those search rankings. Getting a nod from these trusted sites can really boost your standing, which is key in Google's world of rankings. And, being associated with trusted platforms like news sites could help satisfy one of Google’s ranking categories: prominence.

Slow and steady wins the race

Nobody's got the secret sauce to Google’s algorithm, but Mike’s tactics have helped a lot of businesses get ahead. Just keep in mind, this multimedia approach isn’t a magic bullet. It won’t shoot your content to the top overnight like ads might, but it does help your brand inch up the ranks naturally over time, offering benefits that stick around.

If diving into a multimedia content campaign feels like you're biting off more than you can chew, it might be worth bringing in the pros. Content marketers can lay down a solid base for your brand, giving you something to build on for growth that lasts.

Learn more about how these areas can skyrocket your business success and provide sustainable visibility. Check out our most effective service. Book a consultation to speak with one of our content marketing experts.

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